How to join Debian to Active Directory

Hi people, in this article I'm going to show how to join a GNU/Linux machine, specifically a Debian one, to an Active Directory environment.I know, I know, Active Directory (AD) is a commercial tool from the evil Microsoft, but we need to admit that is the most used tool in the market.

However, not because we are in a Microsoft environment we need to use Windows, even if that's what they would like. So, in this post I'm going to describe how GNU/Linux can be joined to Active Directory. Same principles should be applied when using other directory services, like FreeIPA or a pure LDAP service.

I would like you to note that I'm going to use examples from my lab domain, so you will need to adapt them in order to your environment. This is my data:

  • Domain: dev.lab

  • Domain Administrator: Administrator

  • Domain Controller: -

Once we are aware of this, let's go to the topic.

Resolving domain with DNS

First thing on the list is to be able to resolve our domain by using DNS. Therefore, our easier option is to establish as DNS server our Domain Controller (DC), which is the machine were the directory database is stored and the one that provides the services for the directory, like DNS.

There can be several Domain Controllers in an Active Directory environment, but pick one of them as our DNS server is enough. Maybe two in case you want a backup DNS server.

My DC IP is First, I want check that I have conectivity to it, with a ping command (in case we want to be extrasure, we can use netcat or nmap to check we can reach the 53/UDP port, used by DNS):

$ ping -c4
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.645 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=0.600 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=0.563 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=128 time=0.659 ms

--- ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3061ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.563/0.616/0.659/0.037 ms
Ping to Domain Controller

Once we are sure we can connect, we must add the DC as DNS server. In my case I'm going to add it to the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf file so dhclient will include it into /etc/resolv.conf, which is the file used by GNU/Linux (specifically by the libc) to retrieve the DNS servers.

Maybe in your case dhclient is not on charge of DNS configuration, so you need to discover which program is. The usual alternatives are NetworkManager and systemd-resolved. You can check our article Who is messing with my DNS? to properly configure your DNS.

The commands to add my DC as DNS server would be the following:

$ echo "prepend domain-name-servers;" | sudo tee -a /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
prepend domain-name-servers;
Setting Domain Controller as DNS server

Besides in order to make easier to find domain machines, I want that when I specified a hostname, it is searched inside my domain. Therefore, I'm going to add my domain as the default to search for in case I introduce a machine name without the domain part:

$ echo 'prepend domain-search "dev.lab";' | sudo tee -a /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
prepend domain-search "dev.lab";
Setting my domain as the default for searchs

And finally we restart the service so the new configuration is applied:

$ sudo systemctl restart ifup@enp1s0.service
Network daemon reboot

Be aware the ifup service, that spawns dhclient, is given the network interface as a parameter, which is enp1s0 in my case, but it may differ in your machine.

Next, we can try to resolve our domain to be sure our DC was properly included as DNS server:

$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search dev.lab.
$ host dev.lab
dev.lab has address
DNS resolution of our domain

We also check that the domain machine names is resolved even if we don't specify the domain part:

$ host has address
$ host dc01 has address
Machine names DNS resolution

A bit of theory: The connection components

Now we got conectivity with the domain, we need to install all the libraries and tools that implement the different protocols that allow our machine to interact with the Domain Controllers.

However, before install them, I would like to share a bit of theory, so we can understand the different parts that are involved in the Active Directory integration.

Active Directory protocols


We already mess with this one. DNS (Domain Name System) is a very important protocol used to get the IPs of the domain machines. For our domain, the main DNS authority are the Domain Controllers.

Any tool we use will resolve the DNS names without us to worry about it, but in case we want to explicitly get the IP of a machine, we can use utilities like host, nslookup or dig:

$ host has address
Domain machines name resolution


Kerberos is an protocol for remote authentication. It is based in tokens called tickets, that the Domain Controller dispenses when an user authenticates with her username and password. Afterwards, tickets can be presented to other domain machines in order to authenticate the user.

There are two tickets types:

  • TGT (Ticket Granting Ticket): Is the ticket returned to an user when she authenticates with her username and password against the Domain Controller. It can be used to ask for tickets for the services, known as ST, without typing the password again.

    _____                                      /   /|
   |     |   >----Username and password--->   .---. |
   |_____|                                    |   | '
   /:::::/   <--------------TGT-----------<   |   |/ 
  client                                     '---'  
TGT retrieval
  • ST (Service Ticket): Is a ticket for an specific service, like SMB (also known as CIFS) or LDAP. The ST is retrieved from the Domain Controller when a TGT is presented.

    _____                                /   /|
   |     |   >----------TGT--------->   .---. |
   |_____|                              |   | '
   /:::::/   <------ST for CIFS-----<   |   |/ 
  client                               '---'  
    ^  v                                 DC
    |  |
    |  |                          .---. 
    |  '-----ST for CIFS------>  /   /|                                          
    |                           .---. | 
    '-------shared folder-----< |   | '                                          
                                |   |/  
                            SMB/CIFS server
ST retrieval and use

Tickets are used to avoid users being constantly asked by their passwords, which can be annoying, every time a new connection to a machine is made. Besides, tickets can include security information for the upper protocols like as if they must sign or encrypt the messages. Lastly, tickets can also include information about the users, such as the user groups, in a struct known as PAC (Privilege Attribute Certificate).

Kerberos is protocol that is well integrated with other protocolos as SMB or LDAP, so is not usual to directly interact with it. However, the Debian krb5-user package includes several tools to request and list our current tickets, as in the following example:

$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1190600500_fwQbdO
Default principal: Administrator@DEV.LAB

Valid starting       Expires              Service principal
08/22/2024 20:32:19  08/23/2024 06:32:19  krbtgt/DEV.LAB@DEV.LAB
	renew until 08/23/2024 20:32:19
08/22/2024 20:32:20  08/23/2024 06:32:19  cifs/
	renew until 08/23/2024 20:32:19
	Ticket server: cifs/
klist listing current session Kerberos tickets

In this case we can observe two tickets, the one for krbtgt/DEV.LAB@DEV.LAB which allow us to know that is a TGT, and the one for cifs/ that we know is for the SMB/CIFS service which allows an user to access shared folders in the remote system. Knowing the tickets in our current session can useful for troubleshooting.


LDAP is a commonly used protocol in directory services. It allows to query the directory database so you can retrieve and modify the entities, like users or computers. You may think of LDAP as the SQL of directory services.

In the specific case of Active Directory, LDAP uses Kerberos under the hood to authenticate users when a new connection with the Domain Controller is established.

The open source implementation of LDAP is OpenLDAP, which is included in the libldap-<version> package, which is a dependency for many other packages related with the protocol. In addition, if we want to query the directory database, we can use tools like ldapsearch from the ldap-utils package.

Here is an example of domain computers enumeration:

$ ldapsearch -H ldap:// -b 'DC=dev,DC=lab'  '(objectClass=computer)' name 2>/dev/null | grep name:
name: DC01
name: DEBIAN12
Listing domain computers with ldapsearch


Samba is the free implementation of SMB, which is a common protocol to share folders in Windows environments, including Active Directory.

Apart from SMB, it is common to use the name CIFS to refer to the same protocol, even if CIFS was a previous protocol of SMB (same situation as SSL and TLS). Actually, the SMB service of Active Directory is called CIFS.

As I mentioned previously, SMB uses Kerberos under the hood as authentication protocol, and in the same way as LDAP, it sends a ticket when a new connection is established with the target server.

In the case of Debian, the samba-tools package contains the required tools and libraries to communicate with SMB as a client. For instance, we can use smbclient to list shared folders in servers of a domain:

$ smbclient --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME -L

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
	C$              Disk      Default share
	IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
	NETLOGON        Disk      Logon server share 
	SYSVOL          Disk      Logon server share 
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
Listing SMB shared folders from a remote server with smbclient

Tools for GNU/Linux integration in Active Directory

Once we have seen the protocols, lets review some key tools and components for integrating GNU/Linux in Active Directory.


PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) is a set of GNU/Linux libraries that allows to integrate several authentication mechanisms. Programs that require authenticate system users, like SSH or login, can use PAM to benefit from all these authentication mechanisms, like passwords, pins, certificates, etc, with little effort.

Curiosity: SSH keys are not part of PAM, but an authentication mechanism of SSH itself.

PAM allows both local authentication, like checking passwords in /etc/shadow, and remote authentication, by using protocols like Kerberos (through sssd as we will see later).

Besides, PAM also allow other actions like changing user passwords, setting the environment variables or mounting user directory when a user logs in.

We can check the files in the /etc/pam.d folder to see what PAM modules are being used.


NSS (Name Service Switch) is a mechanism used in GNU/Linux to know where to find the information related to different system items, like users or domain names. In this regard the configuration file /etc/nsswitch.conf is used as reference.

For example, when an application wants to get information about an user, nsswitch is read to know what are the data sources, like the /etc/passwd local file or the sssd service.

$ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep passwd
passwd:         files systemd sss
Usernames sources configuration

Another common case are the domain names, where nsswitch indicates that information must be retrieved first from /etc/hosts, and if it is missed in the file, from a DNS requests.

$ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep hosts
hosts:          files dns
Domain names resolution configuration


sssd (System Security Services Daemon) is like the glue that joins all the previously discussed protocols and programs, since it is a tool that uses many libraries to interact with directory services like Active Directory or FreeIPA, allowing their integration with PAM and NSS.

The integration would be something like this:

 +---------------+                      .--> | Samba/SMB |
 | PAM - pam_sss | ----.                |    +-----------+
 +---------------+     |                |        v
                       |                |        '------------.
                       |                |                     v
                       |    +------+    |                +----------+
                       |--> | sssd | ---|--------------> | Kerberos |
                       |    +------+    |                +----------+
                       |                |                     ^ 
                       |                |       .-------------' 
 +------------------+  |                |       ^ 
 | NSS - libnss_sss | -'                |    +------+
 +------------------+                   '--> | LDAP |
sssd integration with the rest of components

Joining the machine to the domain

In order to join the machine to the domain we can use the realm program, which configures sssd so we can use it to authenticate domain users.

Here is a summary of the packages we are going to install, so we can understand the purpose of each one:

  • sssd: Installs the sssd daemon and the required modules to communicate with directory services.

  • sssd-tools: Installs the tools to control sssd, like sssctl.

  • libnss-sss: Installs the NSS library that allows the communication with sssd.

  • libpam-sss: Installs the PAM library that allows the communication with sssd.

  • adcli: Allows to join the machine to the domain.

  • realmd: Allows to join the machine to the domain by using adcli and sets the sssd configuration.

  • pakcagekit: Tool used by realmd to manage packages.

In order to install the packages we execute the following:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y sssd sssd-tools adcli libnss-sss libpam-sss realmd packagekit
Installing required packages to join the domain

Once the packages are installed, we can continue and join our machine to the domain. We can do this with any domain user or just with administrator accounts depending on the domain configuration. In my case I will do it with my Administrator account:

sudo realm join --user=Administrator dev.lab
Command to join a machine to the domain

If everything goes well the command should only ask for the user password and no more output should be produced. Afterwards, we can verify we have joined the domain with sssctl or realm:

$ sudo sssctl domain-list
$ sudo realm list
  type: kerberos
  realm-name: DEV.LAB
  domain-name: dev.lab
  configured: kerberos-member
  server-software: active-directory
  client-software: sssd
  required-package: sssd-tools
  required-package: sssd
  required-package: libnss-sss
  required-package: libpam-sss
  required-package: adcli
  required-package: samba-common-bin
  login-formats: %U@dev.lab
  login-policy: allow-realm-logins
sssctl and realm showing the current domain

Then we need to configure PAM to use sssd as a mechanism to authenticate users. We need to execute pam-auth-update and select "SSS authentication". Besides, if we want to create a home directory for domain users, we also need to select "Create home directory on login":

$ sudo pam-auth-update

Our configuration should be something like this:

pam-auth-update to use sss and creating home directory

When this is done we should be able to login with domain users in our machine. We can test this with SSH:

$ ssh Administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12
Administrator@dev.lab@'s password: 
Linux debian12-base 6.1.0-23-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.99-1 (2024-07-15) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sun Aug 18 17:48:53 2024 from
Domain user login with ssh

And we finally can login with domain users!! This should be enough for the most basic environments, but you can keep reading since I'm going to configure a few more things.

Authentication with the domain username, without the domain

A very comfortable thing we can do is to configure sssd so we don't need to specify the domain when we login with a domain user. So instead of writing "Administrator@dev.lab" we can just type "Administrator". In case of using SSH, instead of using the following form:

$ ssh Administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12

We could use just the username:

$ ssh Administrator@lab-debian12

In order to do this we must configure sssd to use the domain as suffix for the users. We can do this adding a default_domain_suffix statement in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf like the next:

$ sudo head -6 /etc/sssd/sssd.conf

domains = dev.lab
config_file_version = 2
services = nss, pam
default_domain_suffix = dev.lab
sssd.conf with default_domain_suffix

Then we restart sssd:

sudo systemctl restart sssd

And now we should be able to login by only specifying the username:

$ ssh Administrator@lab-debian12
Administrator@'s password: 
Linux debian12-base 6.1.0-23-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.99-1 (2024-07-15) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sun Aug 18 18:07:39 2024 from

Perfect!! Now we can afford 2 seconds of typing and use as we wish. Not much, but it's a start.

Integrating domain groups with sudo

Another interesting thing is to use sudo with domain users. I would like to replicate the "Domain Admins" group behavior in Windows machine, where those are included as local administrators. In GNU/Linux to achieve a similar effect we can grant sudo to the "Domain Admins" group.

In order to do this we can add a rule like the following in /etc/sudoers:

$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers | grep domain
"%domain admins@dev.lab" ALL=(ALL) ALL

Once this rule is added, we should be able to execute sudo with the Administrator user:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ sudo id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)

Another way to get the sudo rules, in addition to read /etc/sudoers, is to retrieve them from the Domain Controller. This process is carried by sssd so we need to install the libsss-sudo package:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libsss-sudo
libsss-sudo installation

After the installation we can see that /etc/nsswitch.conf file shows sss as a provider for sudoers:

$ cat /etc/nsswitch.conf | grep sudoers
sudoers: files  sss
nss configuration for sudo rules

On the other hand, we have to configure sssd so it uses the sudo module. We can do this by adding sudo into the services statement of /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.

$ sudo cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf | grep services
services = nss, pam, sudo
sssd configured to use sudo

By using this configuration sssd will look for sudo rules in Active Directory database (with LDAP). Therefore, the rules you want to introduce into sudo must be written into Active Directory database, but how to do that is out of this article scope. However you can check the following post to do it (I didn't tested it):

Mounting shared folders into the system

Other thing that can be useful when joining a machine to a domain is being able to mount shared folders, by using SMB, that can be found in domain servers (and in some personal computers).

Let's review some tools that can be useful in different situations.

Exploring shared folders with smbclient

One of our options it to use smbclient, the console client of Samba. First thing to do is installing it:

sudo apt install smbclient
smbclient installation

Once it's installed, we need to indicate our domain into the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. In order to make it work into my domain, I have used the following options:

workgroup = DEV
client signing = yes
realm = DEV.LAB
/etc/samba/smb.conf configuration

In order to give you some context, this is the meaning of each option:

  • workgroup: It is the domain name in NetBIOS format, which is a protocolo used, among other things, to resolve machine IP addresses in the local network. In order to get the netbios name of our domain we can use ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap:// -b 'DC=dev,DC=lab' '(objectClass=domain)' name 2>/dev/null | grep name:, but remember that you need to specify the domain name in uppercase in the Samba configuration.

  • realm: The domain name in DNS format.

  • client signing: To enable packets signatures.

Even if smbclient can use Kerberos, I wasn't able to make it to use my tickets by default. When I execute it, asks me for the user password:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ smbclient -L
Password for [Administrator@DEV.LAB]:
smbclient asking for password

I needed to specify the --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME to make it use my Kerberos tickets (the $KRB5CCNAME contains the path to the file containing the Kerberos tickets). So, in order to make easier to use smbclient with Kerberos tickets we can create the following alias:

alias smbclient='smbclient --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME'
smbclient alias to use Kerberos tickets

This way smbclient will use Kerberos tickets by default, but I not going to use the alias in the following examples in order to make them more didactic.

The point is that we can execute smbclient in the following way to list the shares in a remote server:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ smbclient --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME -L

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
	C$              Disk      Default share
	IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
	NETLOGON        Disk      Logon server share 
	SYSVOL          Disk      Logon server share 
SMB1 disabled -- no workgroup available
remote server shared folders listing

Once we know the remote shared folders, we can can also explore them with smbclient:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ smbclient --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME \\\\\\SYSVOL
Try "help" to get a list of possible commands.
smb: \> ls
  .                                   D        0  Mon Sep 25 10:23:21 2023
  ..                                  D        0  Mon Sep 25 10:23:21 2023
  dev.lab                            Dr        0  Mon Sep 25 10:23:21 2023

		18221567 blocks of size 4096. 12979219 blocks available
SYSVOL folder exploration

This should give you an idea of when to use smbclient, but you may prefer other options such as mounting the remote folder in the local filesystem. We will explore some alternatives, but before I would like to share an error that I encountered in my tests:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ smbclient -L --use-krb5-ccache=$KRB5CCNAME
gse_get_client_auth_token: gss_init_sec_context failed with [ Miscellaneous failure (see text): FAST fast response is missing FX-FAST (cifs/](2529639059)
gensec_spnego_client_negTokenInit_step: gse_krb5: creating NEG_TOKEN_INIT for cifs/ failed (next[(null)]): NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE
smbclient error

The error message is misleading, since in my case it wasn't an error related to FAST, but an error in clock synchronization between my machine and the Domain Controller (which dispenses the Kerberos tickets). Once the clock was adjust, everything works perfectly.

Mounting shared folders with mount

Even if it's nice to explore shared folders with smbclient, usually we want to work with them as if they were local folders. In this case we need to mount them in our filesystem by using mount. However, we need to install the following package in order to make it work with SMB (also known as CIFS):

sudo apt install cifs-utils
Installing a package to use SMB in mount

The cifs-utils package allows mount to know how to mount SMB shared folders. If we combine this with the -o sec=krb5 option that allows to use Kerberos, we can mount remote shared folders as easy as in the following example:

administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ mkdir /tmp/SYSVOL
administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ sudo mount -t cifs -o sec=krb5 // /tmp/SYSVOL/
administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ ls /tmp/SYSVOL/
Mounting the SYSVOL shared folder in /tmp/SYSVOL

And there it is, our shared folder mounted!! And remember that mount allows to specify options for the mount points that allows to make them read only, disabling binary execution, etc. You can check the options in mount(8).

Mounting shared folders with pam_mount

Mounting shared folders with mount is nice, but sometimes it is better to mount them when an user logs in. For this purpose, we can use the PAM libpam-mount module, which can be installed with the following command:

sudo apt install libpam-mount
Instalación do módulo de carpetas compartidas de PAM

After installing the module we need to make sure that PAM is using it. We can execute the following command to check that:

sudo pam-auth-update
Updating PAM configuration

We must check that the "Mount volumes" option is selected.

Once we got libpam-mount, we can add shared folders to mount in the /etc/security/pam_mount.conf.xml file. To do this we must add a volume element like the following:

<volume fstype="cifs" 
	sgrp="domain users@dev.lab"
Volume configuration for libpam-mount

Here we indicate that members of domain users group of dev.lab domain are going to mount the SYSVOL shared folder in their home directory. Moreover, the options field indicates the mount options. And it is important to remark that volume elements should be after the debug element, which is helpful if you have to debug something (as it was my case).

And now we can login with an user belonging to the specified group and the shared folder should be mounted automatically:

user@debdev:~$ ssh Administrator@lab-debian12 
Administrator@'s password: 
Linux lab-debian12 6.1.0-23-amd64 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Debian 6.1.99-1 (2024-07-15) x86_64

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Fri Aug 23 21:12:07 2024 from
administrator@dev.lab@lab-debian12:~$ ls SYSVOL/
Mounting shared folder when user logs in

And there it is our shared folder mounted!!

However, before we finish, I'm going to share an issue I had with the hope of this knowledge being helpful. I wasn't able to mount the shared folder at first, so I enable the debug option with <debug enable="1"/>, which should be at the top of the configuration. Once the debug is enabled, pam_mount will show debug messages that we can see in the service output:

$ systemctl status sshd.service 
● ssh.service - OpenBSD Secure Shell server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ssh.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Wed 2024-08-17 20:20:05 CEST; 16h ago
       Docs: man:sshd(8)
    Process: 512 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/sshd -t (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 518 (sshd)
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 2315)
     Memory: 19.4M
        CPU: 2.608s
     CGroup: /system.slice/ssh.service
             └─518 "sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd -D [listener] 0 of 10-100 startups"

Aug 18 12:30:52 lab-debian12 sshd[8045]: (pam_mount.c:660): done opening session (ret=0)
Aug 18 12:30:53 lab-debian12 sshd[8045]: pam_env(sshd:session): deprecated reading of user environment >
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: Accepted publickey for user from port 43494 ss>
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user user(uid=1000)>
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: (pam_mount.c:568): pam_mount 2.19: entering session stage
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: (pam_mount.c:629): no volumes to mount
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: command: 'pmvarrun' '-u' 'user' '-o' '1'
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: (pam_mount.c:441): pmvarrun says login count is 4
Aug 18 12:31:34 lab-debian12 sshd[8070]: (pam_mount.c:660): done opening session (ret=0)

We can appreciate the (pam_mount.c:629): no volumes to mount error that in my case was given cause in my volume options I had specified sgrp="domain users" instead of sgrp="domain users@dev.lab". This error made the group not being recognized. Once the option was modified for the correct one everything worked fine.


In this article we have seen how to connect a Debian machine to an Active Directory environment. I hope you found it useful.

See you!!


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